During our initial wedding planning, we had wanted to hire a professional photographer to capture all the great moments we will be too busy to remember. Then when we sat down and added up the costs of everything, we soon realized that to have a big wedding on a small budget we were going to have to make a lot of changes including a different reception venue, doing our own flowers and finding an alternative photographer. As I didn't want to just throw a flyer up at the local school or hunt craigslist, I contacted a friend of mine who's photographs I've admired for some time now. She's got that kind of talent that is just natural... the kind you are born with... that artistic eye like none other. Kelly Flanagan Dee isn't a professional photographer although her work could easily throw her into such a career. As she's currently working on her master's degree, whatever photography jobs she can get help her survive during those months of over-schooled and underpaid. Since Kelly isn't currently working as a professional photographer, we got a steal on the photography...at least after seeing her work for our engagement shoot, we definitely know we got more than our moneys worth here! The following are my favorite shots from that day. To see the complete session of over 130 photos please visit Kelly's flickr site.
Early on I told Kelly that I wanted to do pictures in a park setting and soon found the perfect park in Pittsburgh's North Side. Originally called West Park, now Allegheny Commons, it was built in 1867 to give the city a sanctuary away from a soot filled life. Although the park has changed over the years, it still serves as a place for city dwellers to get a bit of nature... We started our shoot on it's manmade Lake Victoria. This included pictures around the lake and even some in. Well...only my feet ended up in the lake where the little fishes (small goldfish and catfish) tried to nibble them. =)
We then moved on to an area next to a crumbling concrete walkway adjacent to the train tracks that divide the park in two. Here we took some wall, rusting iron fence and tree line photos.
On post Part 2... we have the other side of the park! =)
Anyone else find themselves completely enamored with the work of their photographer?
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